We each assess ourselves based on what we have done, thought, felt, and how we project into our future. Pride in self is key, and engagement is a strong factor in how that plays out. So both the depth of our being and the impact from our interactions determine our personal satisfaction. I feel love, pride, and thanksgiving that in America we have the opportunity to rise to any level to which we are capable. And that is a theme which pervades my awareness.
How we treat each other relates to the concept of property and the protection of what is ours. And communication is a key to assuring that we can in fact live in a society which guarantees "life, liberty, and the pursuit of individual happiness". Proper communication recognizes the free will of individuals and allows differences to be suitably adjusted for peaceful coexistence and a flourishing life.
Over the last 20 years or so, I have been placing my thoughts and convictions in writings within the publications of several books, in order to at least place myself available for thoughtful conversation. Eleven of these books constitute a series that discuss politics, sociology, and economics, and eight present my beliefs on what drives people’s responses. I am excited about all of these books.
One series looks at various aspects of relationships concerning dealings in and with the United States of America, and speaks to both problems and resolutions. One of the reasons that this series is so relevant is that sadly, the issues discussed remain current, in all cases. They include terrorism, the economy, and the basic roots of our country-the Constitution and the Declaration. Really very little improvement towards resolving problems, just further confirmation of them as the years progress. And that is why it is so important to spend some time focusing on these thorns so that they can be blunted, smoothed, and eliminated.
The other series focuses on how ego develops and how we communicate. Its theme is development of a person and dealings with others on a personal basis. Within this series are two books that look at the world through art and through very personal experience. The other eight represent my thoughts on personal development and personal interactions.
I do have strong positions on all my subjects. They all came into being based on my experiences and my education. One of my pillars is the belief that your property is absolutely your own, that you may give of it as you will, but that it should not and cannot be taken from you. So such things as taxes and fees must be based on your agreement with your government that the corresponding services are acceptable. And your ideas are your property, as is your word. Once respect for property is recognized and conversation ensues, all relationships between men stand on a firm and essentially contractual as well as personal basis, and dealings between men, businesses, countries, will all rise to new heights. Once people talk to each other with respect, we can truly accomplish all that man is capable of doing.